Terms & Conditions define the rules of providing informational and warranty and post-warranty services through the website under the domain: www.smartxtechnologies.com. It is a document required in the light of Art. 13 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on the Rights of the Consumer (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827).

The ADMINISTRATOR of the website is the company:
Smartx Technologies
Address: Adres: 7 Ty Nant Court, Morganstown, Cardiff, CF15 8LW, United Kingdom
Address to CORRESPONDENCE and SHIPMENT: as above
E-mail: office@smartxtechnologies.com
Company number: 12964587
1. Legal note

The following terms and conditions (T&Cs) describe the rules of using smartxtechnologies.com website and all the information it includes. Whenever the word „Website” appears, it should be understood as the main website www.smartxtechnologies.com as well as all and any sub-sites, sub-domains, categories and files it contains. Whenever the word „User” appears, it denotes a person that is connected and browses Website. Access to Website is subject to the following conditions and restrictions. By browsing the Website’s contents, User agrees to the following T&Cs in full, without any exceptions.

2. Website’s content

Wherever the word “Content” appears, it denotes all and any information included and visible in the Website and includes: descriptions, photos, videos, manuals etc. Website’s Content can be browsed, but cannot be downloaded or copied apart from points clearly marked as for download. Downloaded materials can only be used for non-commercial private use unless the User obtained Admin’s agreement to use the content for commercial use.

Scuba diving is treated as an extreme sport and requires proper training and certification. Using scuba equipment by an untrained and inexperienced person without proper certification may cause health damage and even risk of death. Website’s Admin does their best to provide accurate and explicit information about the products, their configuration and use in scuba diving, however under no circumstances should this information be treated as final and replace proper training and practice. Website’s Admin does their best to ensure the presented products, their description and manuals are to Admin’s best knowledge. However, Admin does not guarantee that the Content is free from errors, mistakes and inaccuracies and cannot be hold liable for such errors and inaccuracies. Website’s Admin does not assume any liability for any loss and damage to User, third parties and/or scuba diving equipment resulting from the use of Website’s Content. All the risk is on User’s side. Website’s Admin holds the right to amend, change, remove or replace any of the Content at any time without prior notice. Any persons visible in the Website or its Content, photos or videos are models and are not related to or responsible for the Content and/or Products. In particular they do not use or recommend any of the Products and their private views / opinions might be different from the ones presented on Website. The main version of the website is in the English language. Although we provide translations to other languages for customers’ convenience, these translations may have errors and be partially incorrect and / or incomplete. Therefore only the main version of the website in the English language shall be treated as legally binding, especially when it comes to Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and Warranty.
3. Copyrights

Website’s Content, information, products, photos, video, audio, manuals etc are owned by Admin and therefore cannot be transferred, forwarded, changed, copied or downloaded for public or commercial private use without Admin’s written consent. Copying and publishing links from or leading to the Website on any of the social media portals can be done only after obtaining Admin’s consent. Any unauthorised usage of Website’s links breaches Admin’s copyrights.

Some of the Content belong to third parties and as such are copyrighted. All other company and product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners in certain countries. Connecting any part of the Website or implementing any part of its code into another website and presenting it as a whole is forbidden and breaches Admin’s copyrights.
4. Links to other websites.

Website’s Admin does their best to check and monitor the content of other websites linked to their Website, however cannot be held responsible for any of the content, information, photos and videos visible on other websites. The fact that any other website is linked to Admin’s Website does not mean that Admin recommends such website or its content. User’s that decides to browse and use third parties’ website does it on their own risk and should read and understand their T&Cs.

5. Confidentiality

Admin ensures that any User’s data provided by the User while browsing the Website will only be used to improve customer service and provide information requested by the User through Contact Form. User’s data is stored by Admin only and will not be forwarded or sold to any third parties. If the situation requires to forward User’s request and data to any third party, such as dealer or distributor, Admin will inform the User about it and obtain their consent first.

6. Cookies

Cookies are small data files stored on User’s computer. They improve the use of Website by remembering eg. settings. Cookies are small text files, not computer programms, they are stored on computer’s hard drive but are unable to access any sensitive data saved and stored there. Website may store some cookies on User’s computer according to commonly used online rules.

7. Technical apsects

Admin does their best to ensure the Website and its content is clearly presented on various devices and web browsers but due to differences in their capabilities cannot be held responsible for any errors in their work and thus the consequences.

Admin does their best to ensure the Website is free from any viruses but cannot be held responsible if such occur. It is User’s responsibility to ensure their device is well protected and their anti-virus software updated.